Plan Your Visit with Us:

In the confusion of life it’s easy to make church feel like a bunch of rules and rituals, but here it’s okay to be yourself. Because at BCC we care more about helping you find love, hope and healing than our rules and rituals.

What to Expect:

Thinking about visiting BCC? We would love to have you as our guest! Expect a relaxed and welcoming environment for you and your family. Church can feel overwhelming at first, but not to worry, our goal is to be right there with you so you don’t feel overwhelmed. We gather for worship at 10:30 AM, with KidsLife (Children K-4th) and The Gathering (Students 5th-HS) offered at the same time in their respective locations.


You may be used to one or maybe two speakers doing the bulk of the teaching at a church. At BCC we have chosen to take another path. We have a teaching team. There are staff members and non-staff members who share the teaching duties on a Sunday morning. You most likely will not hear the same speaker two weeks in a row. We are confident that this shows our commitment to the unlocking all the talents and gifts in our community. We are all on this journey together and we all have a part to play.


FAQ: Where do I go:

After you park, come on in under the awning marked “Main Entrance” or, if you have kids, come in under the awning marked “Kid’s Entrance.” There will be people in the Kid’s Entrance to help you get your children checked-in and there is a welcome desk inside of our main entrance as well.


  • Our live gathering is both in person and online at 10:30AM. You’ll experience the same great worship and live teaching at both times. KidsLife (Preschool – Elementary) and The Student Gathering (5th – 12th grade) are also offered at the same time in their respective worship areas.

Check out what our Celebration Gatherings are like.

FAQ: What do I wear?

Wear what’s comfortable. In the summer you’ll see shorts and sandals and in the winter you’ll find us bundled up as we always need to be (and maybe will still see a few shorts and sandals).

About Us

Have questions about who we are, what we believe, or our unique take on church?


Safe Place for your kids

We provide environments for both kids and students (Preschool – 12th Grade). We join parents on the parenting journey to help their kids discover who God says they are and how the can start meeting him for themselves in every day life.

Current Series: Why Can’t We Talk?!

We live in such a divided and polarized culture. It seems that people have lost the ability to discuss issues in a civil manner. As followers of Jesus who are called to be peacemakers, we should be leading the way in discussing tough things with love and sensitivity, while holding in healthy tension grace and truth. Let’s explore together ways we can enter into these difficult spaces.

At BCC we try to live out our conviction that God gifts the church with a diversity of leaders and teachers. Therefore, for the past few years, we have utilized a teaching team consisting of 4-5 individuals. For more on our teaching team, click this link.