“And I believe what I believe
It’s what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no, it is making me
It is the very truth of God, not the invention of any man.”

-Chorus to "Creed," by Rich Mullens

In a very real sense there is little unique in what we believe, apart from what Christians have generally believed through the centuries.

We have what we call our Eight Unifying Beliefs, beliefs that are foundational, that shape us as people of God and followers of Jesus Christ. We recognize these to be at the heart of the “faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people” (Jude 3, New International Version).

Eight Unifying Beliefs

From this narrative we discern eight foundational beliefs that we cling to “with a closed hand,” i.e. those doctrinal positions that the leadership of BCC recognize to be at the heart of the “faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people” (Jude 3). There are other beliefs that we hold “with an open hand,” i.e. those positions that good people of faith may disagree upon, but that should not be allowed to divide us. We firmly believe that upon these, anchored in the person of Jesus Christ, hope and unity can be found.

  1. There is one God who exists as three persons: the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19; John 14:15-20; 15:26; 16:13-15; Romans 1:1-4; 2 Corinthians 13:14
  2. The Bible is the Holy Spirit-inspired word of God, and as such it reveals himself, his purpose, and his ways as the ultimate authority for our lives. 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Hebrews 4:12-13; 1 Peter 1:23-25; 2 Peter 1:20-21; John 10:35
  3. We are created in God’s image, but that image has been damaged by our sin. We are separated from God, experience death, and suffer eternal consequences if something does not change. Genesis 1:26-28; 3:1-24; Romans 6:23; Ephesians 2:1-3
  4. God has revealed himself supremely in the person of his son, Jesus of Nazareth, who is the promised Messiah of Israel and Lord of all. Jesus lived, died, was physically raised to life, and returned to the Father, all as the crux of God’s plan to restore the world to wholeness. John 1:1-4, 14; Hebrews 1:1-4; Acts 2:22-24, 36; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8
  5. Our relationship with God is restored by trusting him and what he has done for us through the person and work of his son Jesus Christ, and we respond to this in repentance, baptism, and a desire to follow Jesus. This is all by God’s grace and received in faith apart from anything we could do to earn it. Acts 2:36-39; Romans 3:21-26; 5:9-11; 10:8-15; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Ephesians 2:1-10
  6. The Holy Spirit dwells within all believers to help us become like Jesus every day and do his work in the world. John 14:16-17, 26; 15:26; 16:7, 13; Acts 2:38; Romans 8:9-11; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 12:4-7, 12-14; Ephesians 4:3-6
  7. The Church is the Holy Spirit-created community of all believers everywhere. Locally, as followers of Jesus together, we worship him, grow in relationship both to God and each other, and learn to love our neighbors and each other at the intersection of God’s kingdom and the world. Matthew 16:18; Romans 12:4-5; 1 Corinthians 3:16; Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:19-22; Revelation 19:7
  8. Jesus will return to fully establish his kingdom in a renewed heaven and earth, and he will raise everyone to life, judge the world, and make all things right again, restoring everything to God’s intention from the beginning. Acts 1:9-11; 3:21; Matthew 6:10; 24:3; 25:31; Isaiah 65:17-25

We hold these eight beliefs “with a closed hand” (that is tightly), because we consider them to be truths that can unite believers across all Christian movements, denominations, and churches. The movement of churches of which BCC is a part has often used the slogan, “In essentials unity, in nonessentials liberty, and in all things love.” These are what we at BCC consider “essential.”

There are other beliefs that we hold “with an open hand,” i.e. those positions that good people of faith may disagree upon, but that should not be allowed to divide us. As the Spirit leads and church leaders sense the need, our leadership team studies and crafts “position statements” on particular subjects. We call these “Open-Handed Positions.” If you would like to explore further about BCC leadership’s “official stance” on these, click here.

Our desire, as always, is that if you would like to discuss any positions we hold, please contact us via email at elders@beavercreekchristian.org.

“Open-Handed” Positions on Particular Issues

We know that there are conversations we can have on a variety of subjects that are not included among our Eight Unifying Beliefs.

Because women and men of good faith can and do disagree, we welcome the opportunity to discuss other beliefs and positions. Any beliefs we have not included among our “unifying beliefs” are positions we hold “with an open hand.” These are not central to the gospel, as are our Eight Unifying Beliefs, but in humility we hold these more loosely, in hopes of maintaining unity and peace in the body of Christ, despite differences of opinion.

Elder Statement on Marriage & Sexuality

Elder Statement on Abortion

Our desire, as always, is that if you ever want to have a conversation about any positions we hold, please contact us via email at elders@beavercreekchristian.org.