
Guiding your kids through their teenage years may be the toughest thing you will ever do. And the greatest gift you can give the world.

We want to see your kids own their faith by helping you become their guides without losing your mind.

Parent Resources

Resources for all of our rockstar parents! The links below cover a wide range of topics to help you be the best parent you can be to your student. 


Have a recommendation? Email to get it added to the list.

Grade Level Family Experiences


“Cliques.” When you hear that word, what do you think of? Me, I picture a group of kids huddled close, whispering, and laughing at all of their unfortunate peers who don’t have the privilege of being part of their friend group. It’s a trope you’ll see in plenty of movies about teenagers and, yes, you’ll probably see it in the actual hallways of your kid’s middle or high school too.

Encouraging Healthy Habits 1:36

Do you ever worry that your teenager is too unorganized or undisciplined, or that they have more bad habits than good? (And okay, let’s be honest — have you ever been discouraged about your own lack of healthy habits too? It’s okay — we’ve all been there.)

Why you need to tell your story 1:35

Maybe you’ve noticed, but your teenager is in the middle of an identity crisis. They’re trying to figure out who they are, what they’re good at, what they like, who they want to hang out with, and who they want to become. They’ve got questions, insecurities, and some serious blind spots.

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